*"I live for myself and I answer to nobody." – Steve McQueen*
McQueen is style for responsive HTML screenplays.
Preview the [Nicholl Fellowship sample script][1]. HTML documents can
also include [snippets of screenplay content][2].
The main stylesheet `mcqueen.scss` is designed not to be edited. All
configuration can be achieved by outputting key-value variables to
`_config.scss`, which is then imported on compile.
The classes are element-agnostic, so you can use `div` or `section` or
`p`, etc. Screenplay content must be wrapped in a `class="screenplay"`,
which allows for snippets within other content flow.
| Variable | Default | Type/Value |
| $page-size | letter | letter, a4 |
| $font-size | 12pt | size |
| $font-stack | "Courier Prime", "Courier", "Courier Final Draft" | array |
| $line-height | 1 | integer |
| $text-body-width | 6in | size |
| $show-title-page | true | boolean |
| $title-upcase | true | boolean |
| $title-underline | true | boolean |
| $title-bold | false | boolean |
| $title-contact-right | false | boolean |
| $hide-first-page-number | true | boolean |
| $scene-double-space | false | boolean |
| $scene-bold | false | boolean |
| $scene-underline | false | boolean |
| $dialog-contd | "(CONT'D)" | string |
| $dialog-more | "(MORE)" | string |
| $action-orphans | 2 | integer |
| $action-widows | 2 | integer |
| $dialog-orphans | 2 | integer |
| $dialog-widows | 2 | integer |
| $show-notes | false | boolean |
| $note-font-size | 11pt | size |
| $note-font | "Comic Sans MS" | array |
| $note-line-height | 1.5 | size |
| $note-color | lightgoldenrodyellow | color |
| $show-section-headings | false | boolean |
| $highlight-change-color | yellow | color |
| $link-hover-color | white | color |
| $link-hover-bg | black | color |