- Description:
- Emacs package to hustle through Imenu in a side window
- Last Change:
- Clone URL:
Commit Briefs
Use cool new rnkn.xyz email (master)
Update copyright (tags/0.3.0)
Comment out side-hustle-highlight-current function (tags/0.2.0)
Not yet implemented
Comment out side-hustle-highlight face
Not yet implemented
Comment out toggle-side-hustle alias
Users who want toggle-side-hustle command can uncomment this code.
LICENSE | commits | blame |
README.md | commits | blame |
screenshot.png | commits | blame |
side-hustle.el | commits | blame |
Side Hustle =========== [![MELPA Stable](https://stable.melpa.org/packages/side-hustle-badge.svg)][1] [![MELPA](https://melpa.org/packages/side-hustle-badge.svg)][2] Hustle through a buffer's Imenu in a side window in GNU Emacs. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) Side Hustle spawns a side window linked to the current buffer, which allows working with multiple buffers simultaneously. See <https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/manual/html_node/emacs/Imenu.html>. Installation ------------ The latest stable release of Side Hustle is available via [MELPA-stable][1]. First, add MELPA-stable to your package archives: M-x customize-option RET package-archives RET Insert an entry named `melpa-stable` with URL: `https://stable.melpa.org/packages/` You can then find the latest stable version of `side-hustle` in the list returned by: M-x list-packages RET If you prefer the latest but perhaps unstable version, do the above using [MELPA][2]. Then add a key binding to your init file: (define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "M-s l") #'side-hustle-toggle) Bugs and Feature Requests ------------------------- Send me an email (address in the package header). For bugs, please ensure you can reproduce with: $ emacs -Q -l side-hustle.el Known issues are tracked with `FIXME` comments in the source. Alternatives ------------ Side Hustle takes inspiration primarily from [imenu-list](https://github.com/bmag/imenu-list). [1]: https://stable.melpa.org/#/side-hustle [2]: https://melpa.org/#/side-hustle