commit - f4953d174779a298ffbc77ec7b9da04d3024f921
commit + c7704fb66b24220a3116d460ea9e97b6a5d95319
blob - /dev/null
blob + bfdec4fce808e6c34c559561adcee1867f3a63f5 (mode 755)
--- /dev/null
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+usage() {
+ cat <<EOF
+ t [-aD]
+ t [-T] [-t [+|-]VAL[ymwd]] STRING
+ t print incomplete todos
+ t -a print all todos
+ t -D print all done todos
+ t -s call print all todos matching "call"
+ t /call same as above
+ t -s "call|email" print all todos matching "call" or "email"
+ t -D -s read print all done todos matching "read"
+ t -d 12 mark todo item 12 as done
+ t -s read -d 3 mark todo item 3 within todos matching "read" as done
+ t -d burn mark all todos matching "burn" as done
+ t -s burn -d . same as above
+ t -k 7 delete todo item 7
+ t -k bunnies delete all todos matching "bunnies"
+ t -s bunnies -k . same as above
+ t -e edit $TODO_FILE in $EDITOR
+ t -T sell horse add todo "sell horse" due today
+ t -t 20d celebrate add todo "celebrate" due on the 20th of this month
+ t -t +1w buy racecar add todo "buy racecar" due a week from today
+ (for date syntax, see date manual entry)
+ t -n print unnumbered output (suitable for redirection)
+ exit 1
+str_prefix='- [ ] '
+re_todo='^- \[ ] '
+re_done='^- \[[xX]] '
+re_either='^- \[[ xX]] '
+lines=$(tput lines)
+for file in *
+ [[ $file =~ $re_todofile ]] && todofile="$file"
+if [[ ! $todofile && -r $TODO_FILE ]]
+then todofile="$TODO_FILE"
+elif [[ ! $todofile ]]
+then printf 'No todo file found or environment variable TODO_FILE not set!\n'
+ exit 3
+t_read() {
+ if [[ $onlydone ]]
+ then
+ re_prefix=$re_done
+ elif [[ $showall ]]
+ then
+ re_prefix=$re_either
+ else
+ re_prefix=$re_todo
+ fi
+ local casematch
+ [[ ! $* =~ [A-Z] ]] && casematch='-i'
+ todo_list=($(grep -E $casematch "$re_prefix.*($*)" "$todofile"))
+ local due_list
+ local item
+ for i in "${!todo_list[@]}"
+ do
+ if [[ ${todo_list[i]} =~ $re_date ]]
+ then
+ item="${todo_list[i]}"
+ due_list+=("$item")
+ unset todo_list[i]
+ fi
+ done
+ due_list=($(printf "%s\n" "${due_list[@]}" | sed -E "s/.*($re_date).*/\1&/" | sort -g | sed -E "s/^$re_date//"))
+ todo_list=(${due_list[@]} ${todo_list[@]})
+t_print() {
+ t_read "$query"
+ local n=1
+ local buffer=$(mktemp)
+ local n_total=${#todo_list[@]}
+ local n_width=${#n_total}
+ for todo in "${todo_list[@]}"
+ do
+ if [[ $todo =~ $re_todo && $todo =~ $re_date ]]
+ then
+ local date=${BASH_REMATCH//-}
+ local today=$(date +%Y%m%d)
+ (( date <= today )) && todo=$(sed -E "s/($re_prefix)(.*)/\1** \2 **/" <<< "$todo")
+ fi
+ if [[ $export ]]
+ then
+ printf "%s\n" "${todo}" >> "$buffer"
+ else
+ printf "%${n_width}s %s\n" "$n" "${todo#- }" >> "$buffer"
+ fi
+ (( n++ ))
+ done
+ if (( lines <= n_total ))
+ then ${PAGER:-less} -X < "$buffer"
+ else cat "$buffer"
+ fi
+ rm "$buffer"
+t_select() {
+ if [[ $1 =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]
+ then
+ selection=${todo_list[(( $1 - 1 ))]}
+ else
+ local casematch
+ [[ ! $@ =~ [A-Z] ]] && casematch='-i'
+ selection=($(printf "%s\n" "${todo_list[@]}" | grep $casematch "$@" ))
+ fi
+t_done() {
+ t_read "$query"
+ t_select "$1"
+ for todo in "${selection[@]}"
+ do
+ todo=$(sed 's/[][\/$*.^|]/\\&/g' <<< "$todo")
+ sed -i'' "/$todo/s/^- \[ ]/- \[X]/" "$todofile"
+ done
+t_kill() {
+ t_read "$query"
+ t_select "$1"
+ for todo in "${selection[@]}"
+ do
+ todo=$(sed 's/[][\/$*.^|]/\\&/g' <<< "$todo")
+ sed -i '' "/$todo/d" "$todofile"
+ done
+t_toggle() {
+ t_read "$query"
+ t_select "$1"
+ for todo in "${selection[@]}"
+ do
+ if [[ $todo =~ $re_done ]]
+ then
+ todo=$(sed 's/[][\/$*.^|]/\\&/g' <<< "$todo")
+ sed -i '' "/$todo/s/^- \[[xX]]/- [ ]/" "$todofile"
+ elif [[ $todo =~ $re_todo ]]
+ then
+ todo=$(sed 's/[][\/$*.^|]/\\&/g' <<< "$todo")
+ sed -i '' "/$todo/s/^- \[ ]/- [X]/" "$todofile"
+ fi
+ done
+t_openurl() {
+ t_read "$query"
+ t_select "$1"
+ urls=($(printf "%s\n" "${selection[@]}" | grep -Eo "https?://[^ ]+"))
+ for url in "${urls[@]}"
+ do
+ open "$url" && echo "t: opening ${url} ..."
+ done
+while getopts ':heaDns:k:d:z:u:Tt:' opt
+ case $opt in
+ (h) usage ;;
+ (e) ${EDITOR:-vi} "$todofile"
+ exit 0;;
+ (a) showall=0;;
+ (D) onlydone=0;;
+ (n) export=0;;
+ (s) query=$OPTARG;;
+ (k) kill=$OPTARG;;
+ (d) markdone=$OPTARG;;
+ (z) toggle=$OPTARG;;
+ (u) openurl=$OPTARG;;
+ (T) due=" $(date +%F)";;
+ (t) due=" $(date -v $OPTARG +%F)";;
+ (:) printf "t: option -%s requires an argument\n" "$OPTARG"
+ exit 2 ;;
+ (*) printf "t: unrecognized option -%s\n\n" "$OPTARG"
+ usage ;;
+ esac
+shift "$(( OPTIND - 1 ))"
+[[ $@ =~ ^\/ ]] && query="${*#/}"
+if [[ -n $openurl ]]
+ t_openurl "$openurl"
+elif [[ -n $markdone ]]
+ t_done "$markdone"
+elif [[ -n $toggle ]]
+ t_toggle "$toggle"
+elif [[ -n $kill ]]
+ t_kill "$kill"
+elif [[ -n $query ]]
+ t_print "$query"
+elif [[ -n $@ ]]
+ todo="$str_prefix$*$due"
+ echo $todo >> "$todofile"
+ t_print