Commit Diff

commit - 53e4b47f5ab64e1b062cc89a4bf23d5c0cef54c6
commit + 43cb301fb358500d824715027c80fad331d6a7d4
blob - 002d487269f9c0a0f26aae04a8f983b6c381c5e4
blob + 5170bba1b407e221e8321cb3c46f601405cdd72a
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
 Side Hustle
+[![MELPA Stable](][1]
 Hustle through a buffer's Imenu in a side window in GNU Emacs.
-Side Hustle works on multiple buffers simultaneously, does not require a
-global minor mode, and does not rely on timers.
+Side Hustle spawns a side window linked to the current buffer, which allows
+working with multiple buffers simultaneously.
 See <>.
@@ -14,8 +17,24 @@ See <
-Add something like this to your init file:
+The latest stable release of Side Hustle is available via [MELPA-stable][1].
+First, add MELPA-stable to your package archives:
+    M-x customize-option RET package-archives RET
+Insert an entry named `melpa-stable` with URL:
+You can then find the latest stable version of `side-hustle` in the list
+returned by:
+    M-x list-packages RET
+If you prefer the latest but perhaps unstable version, do the above using
+Then add a key binding to your init file:
     (define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "M-s l") #'side-hustle-toggle)
@@ -35,3 +54,7 @@ Alternatives
 Side Hustle takes inspiration primarily from
blob - 481df3dc471538fb71b19f80b49c8e7514ea9b32
blob + 90c3757df66c84b3cee94ce43cdce325b950a5f0
--- side-hustle.el
+++ side-hustle.el
@@ -28,14 +28,30 @@
 ;; Hustle through a buffer's Imenu in a side window in GNU Emacs.
-;; Side Hustle works on multiple buffers simultaneously, does not require a
-;; global minor mode, and does not rely on timers.
+;; Side Hustle spawns a side window linked to the current buffer, which allows
+;; working with multiple buffers simultaneously.
 ;; Installation
 ;; ------------
-;; Add something like this to your init file:
+;; The latest stable release of Side Hustle is available via [MELPA-stable][1].
+;; First, add MELPA-stable to your package archives:
+;;     M-x customize-option RET package-archives RET
+;; Insert an entry named melpa-stable with URL:
+;; You can then find the latest stable version of side-hustle in the list
+;; returned by:
+;;     M-x list-packages RET
+;; If you prefer the latest but perhaps unstable version, do the above using
+;; [MELPA][2].
+;; Then add a key binding to your init file:
 ;;     (define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "M-s l") #'side-hustle-toggle)
@@ -57,6 +73,10 @@
 ;; Side Hustle takes inspiration primarily from
 ;; [imenu-list](
+;; [1]:
+;; [2]:
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'imenu)