Commit Diff

commit - 7b974ef3c950ea819631b93348dd58f6f7090bdb
commit + 3b9d369b3d4caee6eb93d3e232aa7fe142e161c7
blob - 08eeaa11a579771750b21e218ff10bc334404f47
blob + 6e006763efc9a315de39b479dd09a73fa662af49
@@ -3,7 +3,10 @@ Side Hustle
 Hustle through a buffer's Imenu in a side window in GNU Emacs.
+Side Hustle works on multiple buffers simultaneously, does not require a
+global minor mode, and does not rely on timers.
@@ -26,4 +29,5 @@ Known issues are tracked with `FIXME` comments in the 
+Side Hustle takes inspiration primarily from
blob - ac05e09b6fc382d2fe73c12f31cbea44d054c73d
blob + 62d1d7eca5b783425248d80c4dc8c66d415420d7
--- side-hustle.el
+++ side-hustle.el
@@ -23,8 +23,40 @@
 ;;; Commentary:
+;; Side Hustle
+;; ===========
+;; Hustle through a buffer's Imenu in a side window in GNU Emacs.
+;; Side Hustle works on multiple buffers simultaneously, does not require a
+;; global minor mode, and does not rely on timers.
+;; Installation
+;; ------------
+;; Add something like this to your init file:
+;;     (define-key (current-global-map) (kbd "M-s l") #'side-hustle-toggle)
+;; Bugs and Feature Requests
+;; -------------------------
+;; Send me an email (address in the package header). For bugs, please
+;; ensure you can reproduce with:
+;;     $ emacs -Q -l side-hustle.el
+;; Known issues are tracked with FIXME comments in the source.
+;; Alternatives
+;; ------------
+;; Side Hustle takes inspiration primarily from
+;; [imenu-list](
 ;;; Code:
 (require 'imenu)
@@ -67,8 +99,7 @@ This requires either calling `quit-window' or
   :group 'side-hustle)
 (defcustom side-hustle-evaporate-window nil
-  "When non-nil, quit the side-window when calling
+  "When non-nil, quit the side window when following link."
   :type 'boolean
   :safe 'booleanp
   :group 'side-hustle)