
Use cool new email

Update copyright

Use imenu to navigate to imenu item

Add mailmap

Update email & copyright

Update README/Commentary

Comment out side-hustle-highlight-current function Not yet implemented

Comment out side-hustle-highlight face Not yet implemented

Comment out toggle-side-hustle alias Users who want toggle-side-hustle command can uncomment this code.

Function-quote toggle-side-hustle alias

Remember collapsed items when refreshing list

Use box comments for code sections

Use GitHub URL

Add screenshot

Move lexical values inside side-hustle-pop-to-marker Also call recenter-top-bottom

Doc improvements

ensure-button: when at eolp, go backward button

Improve options for list-char and indent Indent with tab and set tab-width with side-hustle-indent-width Allow nil value for item-char

Split button action function into separate functions Use save-window argument for show-item (SPC) command

Doc/README updates Link to Emacs manual Imenu entry

Bump version

Doc/README updates

Change of argument SRC-BUF -> SOURCEBUF

Insert side-hustle-item-char on side-hustle-refresh

Use buttons instead of text properties