
deleted: calendar

revived X11/*

bin/clock: clock_print()

bin/totp: austere rewrite

emacs: update add XDG_DATA_HOME

bin/ipod: use XDG_DOCUMENTS_DIR

bin/Makefile: add today

bin/clock: rewrite

bin/today: resurrect

bin/totp: error on no query; error to stderr

bin/sfeed_wrapper: tabify

bin/read_later: if no mailname, fall back to hostname

mood: use basic function names

new file: clock

ipod_keymap.txt: update iPod version

bin/projects: rewrite to use TSV instead of recutils

bin/ipod: add mbid()

bin/ipod: remove trailing slash

bin/ipod: -r is not implied with -a with --files-from

bin/ipod: fix mktemp mistake

restored: mbsync/config, msmtp/config

renamed: sync_ipod -> ipod

bin/sync_ipod: add add() and sync()

beets/config.yaml: 600px artwork, .m3u playlists, cd convert format