
Update copyright, name, email

Update README/Commentary

Bump version

Use normal email

Fix typo

Update README/Commentary

Change command prefix behaviour C-u visits side-notes-secondary-file C-u C-u forces visiting side-notes-file in current directory C-u C-u C-u forces visiting side-notes-secondary-file in current directory

Bump version

Update README/Commentary

Update copyright/author/file-local vars

Use email

Add feature: secondary notes file Add side-notes-secondary-file option, which must be set in order to display secondary notes. Then call side-notes-toggle-notes with prefix ARG (C-u) to find secondary notes instead of regular notes file. This will be displayed in the side window bottom slot, while the regular notes will always be displayed in the top slot.

Update README/Commentary

Bump version

Merge pull request #1 from marcowahl/marcowahl-patch-1 Add autoload cookie for the main function

Add autoload cookie for the main function With autoload the loading of the library can be avoided in the config file. "The first call to the function automatically loads the proper library, in order to install the real definition and other associated code, then runs the real definition as if it had been loaded all along." (info "(elisp) Autoload")

Move back to GitHub

Update copyright

Update documentation, URL

Add email

Fix README/Commentary typo

Implement directory hierachy search for notes file Adds function side-notes-locate-notes to traverse parent directories until side-notes-file is located, or returns nil.

Add safe local variable properties

Add version, package-requires and URL

Creation of notes file is unnecessary